Chloe Replica Handbags is as good as it gets and we’re so excited to get ourselves one of these babies! The ‘threaded’ concept is something very unique to the bag, and it’s actually a new thing. It underwent stages of evolution before becoming into the design it is right now, and we’re more than happy to see it bloom ever-so beautifully.
The Chloe Replica Handbags is made of lambskin leather a very luxurious material, indeed. It is adorned with gold-tone hardware and a rope chain shoulder strap, which is sort of unique from most wallet-on-chains. It has a threaded curb chain at the front panel, which is very chic to look at. Inside, it has room for your valuables, and even a patch pocket for your convenience. To top it all off, it has a foldover flap with signature turn-lock like, how could you not love this piece when it secures all your stuff in style?
Measuring 8” x 6” x 3” inches (L x H x W), you can get your very own Small Elsie Threaded Chain Bag now for $1485 USD, available via